Bitspawn Tokenomics
Here is a full overview on our tokenomics π
IDO price β $0.015
Private sale β $0.012
Seeds sale β $0.00375
Total Supply β 2,000,000,000 $SPWN
Initial circulating supply β 158,000,000 $SPWN
Allocation percentages :Community & Ecosystem β 30%
Private β 21,79%
Liquidity & Rewards Pool Allocation β 20%
Team β 10%
Foundation β 10%
Seed β 4.71%
Launchpad β 3,00%
Strategic β 0,50%
Lockup periods and vesting schedule β Investors are vested over 6β9 months depending on the round. Team tokens are locked for 1 year and vested over the second year.